Monday, February 4, 2013

Detoxify The Pineal Gland

What is the Pineal Gland or the Third Eye?  What does it do?  How do we benefit from having one? How does it become blocked or calcified?  What do we need to do to cleanse or detoxify our pineal gland?  This article will explain these questions and point you in the right direction to detoxifying your pineal gland, or as some like to call it your ‘third eye’.  You will find out how to clean your body and prevent the calcification of your pineal gland.  But first…
What is the Pineal Gland?

It is one of our endocrine glands, located in the center of the brain, between the cerebral hemispheres.  It is about the size of a grain of rice and its name Pineal is a derivative of the Latin word Pinea, which means pine cone.  It’s a hormone that affects our wake/sleep patterns and our seasonal functions.  It is said to be larger in children and once a child hits puberty, it shrinks in size.

The pineal gland is the 3rd eye in ancient cultures or the ‘seat of the soul’.  Some call it a ‘spiritual antenna’ and it is also known as the ‘spiritual gateway to all realms and dimensions’.
What does the Pineal Gland do?

Scientific studies indicate that our pineal glands produce the hormone melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine), which produces the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine).  Melatonin is stimulated by being in a relaxed state in the darkness or at night and inhibited by light or daytime.   In South American societies, it is said by shamans that DMT, (dimethyltryptamine, which closely resembles melatonin and serotonin), is produced not only by some tropical vegetation, but by the human body as well.  DMT is said to be stored and released from the pineal gland right before death.  In these ‘near death experiences’, many have claimed to have ‘out of body’ experiences.  There are numerous accounts of these ‘out of body experiences’, you may even know someone yourself who has had one of these experiences.

Research indicates that when our pineal glands are working properly and not blocked from creating adequate supplies of melatonin, serotonin or DMT if you will, we are able to develop psychic abilities.

These include: clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling or ESP), clairalience (clear smelling), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairgustance (clear tasting) and telepathy.   It has even been said by some that telekinesis can be achieved when ones pineal gland is functioning properly.

Astral travel or the ability to travel to different spiritual dimensions is also possible when ones pineal gland is functioning and producing properly.  There are so many studies that have been conducted and are still being tested to this day that will affirm these claims.  Do your due diligence to find out for yourself, trust your own instinct and intuition.

When I found out the potential we all have for these abilities,  you can be sure I wanted to learn as much as possible about our pineal glands.  I found out some things that I felt everyone should know, not just a select few.

What stops our Pineal gland from working?

As mentioned earlier, our pineal gland starts shrinking at puberty.  Why?  After puberty, it starts to calcify by the accumulation of calcium phosphate.  This happens to everyone and is caused by nanobacteria.  Nanobacteria accumulates on our pineal gland and calcifies over it, thus blocking it from producing properly, if producing at all.  Where does this nanobacteria come from?

This calcification of our pineal gland is caused primarily by Electromagnetic pollution and Fluoride.  Unfortunately, we are all exposed to these things, some more than others.   The really scary part is that fluoride is magnetically attracted to our pineal gland, more than any other part of our bodies.  It then calcifies around the gland, therefore, inhibiting its proper production of the hormones melatonin and DMT.

We have fluoride in our tap water, mouth wash and in our toothpaste; I remember when fluoride was handed out in grade school to help prevent cavities and tooth decay.   Electromagnetic pollution is everywhere too.  It comes from our computers, our TVs, our cell phones, power lines outside our homes, it’s everywhere.  If you have or use any type of electrical gadget, you are being exposed to electromagnetic pollution.   These are not the only things that calcify our pineal glands.

Heavy metals and toxins are also culprits.  Chlorine, bromide, mercury, pesticides, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, tobacco and excess alcohol and caffeine prevent the proper function of our pineal glands.

What can we do to detoxify or cleanse our pineal gland?

Fortunately, there are many things that we can do to further prevent the calcification and blockage of our pineal glands.
  • Drink natural spring water or distilled water; use a filter for shower head if possible
  • Use fluoride free toothpaste
  • If possible, remove mercury fillings
  • Use salt water instead of mouth wash; just as effective without the fluoride
  • Eat healthier, organic foods where possible
  • Take Blue/green algae (strong detox)
  • Take Fermented Skate Liver Oil or Organic Blue Ice Skate Liver Oil (strong detox)
  • Take Chlorella (heavy metal detoxifier)
  • Take Melatonin
  • Eat plenty of raw chocolate; the higher the percentage of cocoa the better
  • Consume raw lemon juice from lemons
  • Consume raw apple cider vinegar
  • Eat plenty of raw garlic; soak in lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to deodorise
  • Take Vitamin K1 (leafy greens) and K2 (liver, egg yolks, cheese)
  • Take Iodine (kelp is a high source of iodine; as iodine diminishes calcium, replenish calcium naturally with dark leafy greens/oranges)
  • Borax/Boron (take 1/32 – 1/4 tsp per liter of water and consume slowly throughout the day) DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT
  • Use natural deodorant as most deodarants contain heavy metals
  • If possible, practice Yoga or Meditation – this helps brings us into a ‘alpha or delta’ state of mind, therefore promoting our pineal gland into producing the necessary hormones to develop our ‘innate’ extra-ordinary powers.
  • Soak in the Suns rays for the essential Vitamin D

Please keep in mind that you don't have to do all of these things to detoxify the pineal gland.  Use your own discretion and intuition.  If you suffer from any ailments, health issues or are on medication, you should contact your physician before applying any of the above if they are completely new to you. 

I hope this article helps shed some light on the pineal gland, what it does, and how to detoxify or cleanse our system of the dangerous toxins and heavy metals we are exposed to.

Make sure to trust your own instinct and intuition.  Educate yourself on foods that detoxify, and cleanse your system.  It is very well worth it.  Learn how you can develop your sixth sense, because we all have one.

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